Dear Stranger...


Dear Stranger,

Is this all you see when you look at me? You stop and stare and make me feel like I could be anywhere but there, take heed, when you notice me, for I wear my heart on my sleeve...

She was born with a birthmark called Congenital Nevus that covered the right side of her face, a one in a million chance they say, which makes her a very special girl I would say.

At the age of 3, skin extenders were inserted under the skin, located in her forehead and her neck, to gently stretch her skin and ease in new skin to replace the birthmark. These skin extenders made their home under her skin off and on for 8 years. Once a week, she would be at the Stollery Hospital receiving fluid that was injected into the skin extenders. She has gone through many surgeries, skin grafts and her eyebrow is a transplant, taken from the back of her ear. She is now continuing with laser treatments.

She wore scarfs to cover because people would stare, they would point, whisper and nudge each other to look her way. She is 11 years old...


A Survivor's Story...