State of Mind
Two years ago I started a ‘Scars’ project. I interviewed and photographed people based on internal scars (mental health) and external scars (Breast cancer, burn survivors etc). My passion and inspiration for this project was to showcase we all have a story and if people could share ‘their’ story, we could challenge ourselves on the judgment we place on each other by inspiring hope, courage and change. I feel we are all aware of the problems but as a society, we need to focus on the change and because of that I created a project called ‘State of Mind’. I discovered from interviewing many people regarding their internal scars, (mental health), I needed to create a project based on sharing stories of how mental health impacts all of us. I feel mental health is at the heart of everything we go through yet is has the least amount of compassion and the most judgment attached to it.
I wanted to do more than post these stories on social media, I want to show the viewer how mental health impacts all of us and there is no discrimination therefore I created a freestanding photography and storytelling exhibit, which consists of 6 – 7ft tall x 2 feet wide cubed shaped towers which features 8 people and their stories on each tower.
These stories are of depression, anxiety, addiction, postpartum depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, suicide, domestic violence, homelessness, self harm, grief, schizophrenia to name just a few. The focus of the State of mind is to help others realize there is healing and hope and to create conversations necessary to inspire change.

The Stories behind the photos
From the moment he wakes up in the morning, he is a happy man. He gets ready for the day and smiles easily to himself while taking a moment to reflect on his life…
They see the beauty of the world in a way that is unique to only them. They enjoy the simple pleasures offered in life that you and I usually take for granted.
As a dancer there was so much pressure to be thin. She heard it everywhere and if you gained weight, it was pointed out to you in front of everyone…
Her laugh was infectious and once you heard it, you couldn’t help but laugh along with her…
When they placed her in her arms, she fell instantly in love but soon after she realized her daughter would grow up with limitations…
He didn’t know until later on in his life the man that stared back at him in the mirror every morning was destined to be a her…
Were you ever afraid of the dark? Do you remember as a child, running quickly to turn on the light, then running to the next one…
There are days still, when she just can’t get out of bed. As hard as she tries, her anxiety attacks and depression have a way of paralyzing her, keeping her in their possession…
Her two-year-old son has led most of his life in the hospital due to a rare heart condition…
He grew up in a very strict and religious home with no sense of belonging or direction. He suffered greatly and his state of mind was fractured because he was never encouraged to talk about it, so he found himself suffering in silence…
She sat beside his hospital bed with her hands folded neatly in her lap, her body aching from days and nights of talking to God…
Her son had the best sense of humour, it was dry and witty and he always had a way of making her laugh. He was handsome, smart and sensitive and he truly cared about the world and the people in it. He loved music and his family very much but in the end, he ended up in a place where living was more painful than dying…
Her fear is constant, it doesn’t let up and she knows it doesn’t make sense. She lives with it everyday in every situation she is in and it torments her daily. She sees and anticipates the worst in every situation…
His nightmares didn’t start right away, neither did his screams. He was tough and didn’t think he would be one of them who suffered at night reliving the horrors of the days gone by…