No Limits...

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When they placed her in her arms, she fell instantly in love but soon after she realized her daughter would grow up with limitations.  She asked the Dr. what would her full potential be and he responded, “Did you know what your sons potential would be when they were born”?  From that day forward, they decided to raise her exactly the same. 

That first year was full of adjustments and she felt she needed to come to terms and grieve the loss of the baby she ‘thought’ she was going to have.  Her hopes and dreams for her life were gone and she knew how cruel people could be and that life would beat her down.  She thought her daughter would believe what she saw in the mirror and what other people said about her.  

She soon realized, the only limitations she has are the ones society puts on her.  She knows her daughter will never be a Dr. or a lawyer like she originally dreamed but today; her daughter is much more than she could have ever imagined.   It’s truly about the unconditional love and the relationship between them that matters the most.  Her daughter has made her a better parent by teaching her those kinds of lessons and that is something she might not have fully learned if that little girl didn’t come into her life…





Georgina Faith Papin...


Her Smile...