Skin Deep.
Spring of 2016, I boarded a West-Jet plane to San Diego. I ended up chatting with this lovely woman, Michelle and learned of her story. She had breast cancer. With the power of social media, we became fast friends. At the time I was working on a photography project called “SCARS”, where I photographed individuals with internal and external scars and so I asked Michelle if she would be part of the project and she said yes. This brave, strong, courageous and beautiful woman bared her heart and soul to me during the photoshoot. I will never forget being part of something so pure and beautiful. That day, we decided we needed to do something on a larger scale, to share her experiences and create an event for women who have gone through breast cancer. We poured our hearts and souls into the project in hopes of redefining the way people see beauty. We put together a photoshoot for 9 women who adorned beautiful gowns, professionally done hair and makeup creating a day they will never forget. Since then, the photoshoots have expanded throughout Alberta. These ladies are here to tell you there is hope and a community that will hold your hand while you face your darkest days. The scars these incredible and brave women show, represent the journey cancer forced them to follow and how hard they fought for themselves and their loved ones.
The Stories behind the photos