August 4, 2015 I heard the words no one wants to hear...Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Breast Cancer. After I heard those words, 9 days later my breasts were gone. October 9th, I started 6 rounds of chemo and 17 rounds of Herceptin. There was not one part of me that looked forward to that, other than it being done and me coming out on the other side, stronger and braver that I had ever imagined possible. But even in this, there would be MAGIC... I knew it! It's always there for me when I least expect it and in those moments that take your breath away, that make you cry with overwhelming gratitude, that bring you the light on a dark day. I knew it would come and it did!
I made it through worst days and was lucky enough come back to a job I love. Life for me is not about possessions, it is the moments and experiences that we take with us along the journey that are priceless. One of those incredible moments was meeting photographer, Lorna Dancey on a flight to San Diego. She came up to the front to ask me about our female First Officer and we started to talk. She told me how beautiful my smile was and how it made her feel like I was I welcoming her to my home. I started to cry, I felt such gratitude. I shared my story with her and two weeks later, I got the chance to welcome her into my home for real. Lorna asked me to be apart of her "Scars project" and I said yes! That day, she reached into my soul and let it speak through her photos she took of me. I have never felt more beautiful in my life. SCARS exposed, long brown hair GONE, but it didn't matter, I was beautiful. Although this disease is very ugly, those of us that go through it don't have to be! If the best part of the worst day is knowing I can hold someone's hand when they go through this for the first time, it will be worth it! Yet, for each of us, that has or will face this disease, it is you, alone that fights the battle, but always, know there is an army behind you the will make sure you don't stand alone. Whatever comes my way, I will walk through it...with GRATITUDE, GRACE & FAITH.