I found the lump during my first trimester of my first and only pregnancy. I felt a sinking feeling when I felt the lump beneath a strange blister that bled on my left breast that appeared quite suddenly. I was relieved when Doctor after Doctor assured me during my pregnancy that it would likely go away once I gave birth and began breast-feeding. After the birth of our Son I immediately began breast-feeding which was easy on the right side but our Baby often became frustrated when feeding on the left breast and it was so painful to feed him on the left breast. The lump and the strange blister had now become bigger so my Husband and I again began to ask the Doctors what was happening but the prevailing thought was that it would subside as I continued breast feeding. When my Son was 6 months the lymph node under my arm swelled to the size of a golf ball and the Doctors felt it was mastitis. After 3 rounds of antibiotics the mastitis “infection” had not cleared. I was becoming so lethargic so we decided that I should see a Naturopath to discuss the issue. The Naturopath did a physical examination and was deeply concerned – she told me that I needed to go back to my doctor immediately and demand an ultrasound. Until the Naturopath recommended the ultrasound none of the other Doctors we had seen had suggested or done any testing to rule out Breast Cancer.
When my Son was 10 months old my Family and I were told the breast cancer had spread to my lymph nodes, my sternum and there were about 20+ tumours in my liver – I had stage 4 breast cancer.
18 months after I discovered the lump and strange blister I was told that the only option I had was to do chemotherapy that would “buy me more time”.
I went to 11 doctors (all of whom I saw more than once) and it took 18 months to get any kind of imaging done. The Medical Community has taken the time to discuss with us the errors that were made and steps have been taken to help ensure that this doesn’t happen again. We have learnt that it is important that people take the time to be their own health advocate and steward to help ensure that they don’t slip through the cracks.
We don’t like to refer to breast cancer by name as it gives it too much power so we started calling it “boobitis”. Our journey to healing hasn’t been easy as it has required many lifestyle adjustments to diet and adding supplements but it has been full of love. We have travelled to Mexico for adjunct therapies where we met so many wonderful Doctors, Surgeons, Oncologists, Nurses and other Patients. We have received great care from The Cross Cancer Institute and our outstanding Oncologist there has shown great patience. The Naturopath community in Edmonton is fantastic and has been critical in the adjunctive therapies that have helped immensely. We have done genetic testing on the tumour tissue and my blood in the U.S.
This journey has taught us that we all must face trials in this life but we have the power to choose how we react to these challenges. I choose to LOVE big and live out my faith. I claim Psalm 91. I choose my Family above anything else. I choose to take time to care about strangers.
My Son is now 3 years old! My loving Husband and my Son are my biggest supporters on this marathon journey with boobitis. Our Families, Church Family and Friends have surrounded us with prayers and love that have helped us get through the anxiety attacks, the chemo side effects and the day-to-day challenges the disease likes to present. Our marathon with boobitis continues.