

Hi my name is Kelly. I am 36 years old and have an amazing husband and a beautiful 3-year-old daughter named Kayelynn. 
Kaye was just 6 months old when I discovered a lump in my breast. There wasn’t much concern over this lump because everyone said it’s fairly normal after a pregnancy. Thankfully I followed my gut feeling and immediately booked an appointment with my family doctor and then pushed for a biopsy.  
Fast forward two weeks, and I was diagnosed with not one but two different kinds of invasive ductal carcinoma in each breast. One week later I went in for surgery where I had a double mastectomy then followed with 16 rounds of chemotherapy, radiation and hormone therapy. I am now currently going through the tissue expander reconstruction process.
I chose to do this project for a few reasons, not only for awareness because I do truly believe that most people are "aware" of breast cancer. I would also love to help make people more aware the need for more research so we can find a cure as to many are dying from this awful disease.
I also want other women (and men) who have to go through this to know that they are still beautiful and to embrace their new self and to love their scars and look at them and see strength, courage and bravery and to be proud and never give up. And to use them as a reminder to live life to the fullest and to truly appreciate each moment as you can never know what might happen tomorrow.

