Numb the pain...


 This was never supposed to be his life, they were so close to retirement and they had plans to travel but she got sick and died.  Losing her was something he never thought of, he thought she would always be there.  The pain was unimaginable; he can still see her sometimes or so he thinks. 

 He turned to alcohol to numb the pain and it got out of hand.  He couldn’t stop because the pain of losing her would find it’s way back.   His life fell apart even more; he lost his job and he lost his home.  He was humiliated and broken hearted, how could he fall so far down, he never imagined a life like this.  

He now hustles on the street and does what he can to earn a living. He steals.  He steals items from the grocery store and sells them to the people on the street. This is how he makes his living now, if you can call it that.

 Everyday, his lives with shame, his clothes are shaggy and unwashed, his beard unkempt.  He walks by a window and sees his reflection, and he doesn’t even recognize who he is anymore…


Happier times...


Love always wins...