Lorna Dancey Lorna Dancey

She forged on...

She has struggled with depression and anxiety as far back as she can remember…

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Lorna Dancey Lorna Dancey

Her beaded journey...

She walked past the oncology sign not noticing the direction the arrow was pointing and not realizing it was the very same direction they were headed. She walked past several kids who had no hair, she looked at them and they looked back at her as if they knew the news she was about to receive…

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Lorna Dancey Lorna Dancey

How could this happen...

It started out with a cough, annoying really, no big deal. He got used to it and there were no other symptoms so getting it checked out wasn’t a priority. After the second month, his ear started to ache a little as well, so he thought maybe he would get it checked out…

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Lorna Dancey Lorna Dancey

The Light...

She suffers from Obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety attacks, never ending thoughts of suicide and finally, a diagnosis of Type 2 Bipolar disorder. She was hospitalized due to a severe state of depression, which in turn was the start of her cutting…

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Lorna Dancey Lorna Dancey

What makes her beautiful...

She will never forget that day, the day she was attacked, her face cut open with a shard of broken glass.
It all plays back like a horrible dream that she will never forget for as long as she lives.

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Lorna Dancey Lorna Dancey

A Survivor's Story...

He had been stalking her for a while, watching every move she made. He was so quiet and not once did she hear him until he startled her by running towards her and stopped just a few meters behind her. He crouched down low and squared off, he wanted her, and he made his intent very clear.

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Lorna Dancey Lorna Dancey

Dear Stranger...

Is this all you see when you look at me? You stop and stare and make me feel like I could be anywhere but there, take heed, when you notice me, for I wear my heart on my sleeve...

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